Mediathek Alle AnzeigenAudioPhotoVideo 22imagesGalerie StoneHillStudios Pigs on the Wing part I [AUDIO] (by Earthpoint Oct. 2017, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019) Pigs On The Wing (part I) [VIDEO] Mother [AUDIO] (by Earthpoint Oct. 2017, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019) Mother [VIDEO] THE TEMPEST DAYS (of Earthpoint Oct. 2017) Dogs [AUDIO] (by Earthpoint Oct. 2018, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019) Dogs [Video] THE ANIMAL DAYS (of Earthpoint Oct. 2018) THE ANIMAL DAYS No.3 (of Earthpoint October 2019) Careful with that Axe, Eugene [AUDIO] (Earthpoint, October 2016, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019) Careful with that Axe Eugene [VIDEO] (come in no.51 your time is up) 18imagesEarthpoint @ StoneHillStudios (Oktober 2016) Breathe (Alex & Oliver Februar 2012, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019) If (by Alex Ebermann - November 2011, remixed by Oliver Ebermann - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019) Another Brick in the Wall part 2 (by Alexander Ebermann - 31. Jänner 2011) Call of the Crossroads by Slope Combat Drugstore Nightmare (Recorded at SHS) Careful with that Axe, Eugene (Earthpoint, Summer 1986) 9imagesEarthpoint in the 80`s Rostknochen (by LOVING.THE.ALIEN) 16imagesLOVING.THE.ALIEN @ StoneHillStudios - 15/11/2014 Child of Love (by LIKE ELEPHANTS) Der Wind (by GABRIEL´S BOTTLE) Hochhaus (by GABRIEL`S BOTTLE) 7imagesGABRIEL`S BOTTLE @ StoneHillStudios - 08/08/2015 Going to California (1986 by Earthpoint) SLOPE COMBAT - Somebody get me a doctor (at Posthof Linz) Paranormal (by Alex & Ben - 2012) Odeon Ferryman Way Farer
Pigs on the Wing part I [AUDIO] (by Earthpoint Oct. 2017, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019)
Mother [AUDIO] (by Earthpoint Oct. 2017, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019)
Dogs [AUDIO] (by Earthpoint Oct. 2018, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019)
Careful with that Axe, Eugene [AUDIO] (Earthpoint, October 2016, Remixed by Oliver - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019)
If (by Alex Ebermann - November 2011, remixed by Oliver Ebermann - Mastered by AlphaMastering - December 2019)